Going to Universal Studios on a Saturday


Just kidding. But really... think about it.

Not many people may know but I love going on adventures solo. Sometimes because it’s so hard to schedule time with friends. Most of the times because I fought with the beau. I know a lot of people are afraid to do this for the reasons of being bored while in line, paying double or triple instead of half, and or just plain old looking stupid. And alone. Not me. I get to self reflect more. I enjoy the beauty of a place more since I don’t have another person to cater to.

So yeah, I decided to visit the Universal studios in Hollywood on the first Saturday of 2018. Probably due to a combination of lack of planning and short term memory loss, I forgot that Saturday is the worst day of the week to visit the park for obvious reasons. Probably 80% of the working people in LA is off  work this day. Children and teens don’t have school. (At least I hope they don’t.) And on top of that, since it’s the first week of the year, tourists probably are still on their holiday vacation. So as expected, it was packed. Packed like a can of sardines. Wait times were at least 90 minutes. I’ve never read more pages in a book than when I was in line today. Even worse, I queued and queued and finished this blog.

One pro of going alone is some rides have a single rider lane such as the Forbidden Journey. But you still have to line up like every other muggle so when you get to the point where access is only for singles, it’s almost pointless and unrewarding to go on the ride. Another high point of the trip is being able to eavesdrop on people’s conversations while in line:

“Universal Studios is like the capital of LA but Disneyland is the capital of the world.” “Disneyland is the happiest place on earth.” Ha, okay.

“We should go back again in June.” “I have a wedding in June.” Oops, girly is not invited.

“Dad, what if I stop going to school?” Lol, kid is going places.

This brought me to a new resolution that I most likely will break — come here every weekend -- alone, in tandem, or in group -- for that extra fun cardio. My fitness game has gone downhill over the years and spending my day here has been the most exercise I’ve ever done in probably five years.

I have reflected on so many things, like what this young couple in front of me are arguing about or why no one is restraining them for letting all their friends cut in the line (cause I'm definitely not doing that. I'd like to think I'm fierce but I'm actually as tender as a meat that has been broiled for a few days). Also I think why there is no flavor such as skunk or body odor in Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. You say but why, I say but why not? I'd like to think I'm very positive that way.

And now it's the end of the day, the sky has gotten murky. I walk out the park as I pat myself on the back what a good day it has been. Mostly I'm thankful I did not spend it like any other typical Saturday - bed-ridden and contrite. I'm glad I stayed in line even when I really, really had to go potty. My bladder probably isn't but no ragrets, right? In all seriousness, it made me realize how lucky I am to live close to a park where people around the world fly in just to experience once in their lives. I could be one of those people but instead I'm here. Maybe the next time you visit, ponder on that.


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