Going Vegan

KBBQ (5 plates of brisket), sushi (preferably salmon nigiri), boba milk tea (earl grey or matcha would be best), and the list goes on. This used to be my weekly, if not daily, meal plan. It's true, when you move to America, you do get fat. Well, at least, if you're like me - someone who eats with her eyes instead of listening to her stomach. I have had the unhealthiest lifestyle for the longest time - 8 to 5 desk job, some chips and sweets every hour, sushi for lunch, KBBQ for dinner, boba for dessert, drive everywhere. ZERO EXERCISE. 100% SUGAR.
The beginning of my KBBQ era. Don't be deceived, I'm not exercising. It's just a downhill slope so it looks like I'm running.
My full-blown post-boba body.
I was blowing up gradually. I've finally reached the point where my clothes tighten and look funny on me. And for the longest time, I did not care. I am fat-liberal, fativist, anti-fat bias, however you call it. I think everyone should feel happy and confident whatever their size is. The shape of your body is not an indicator of your success or happiness.

So even though I'm on the heavier side of the scale, I did not care that much. I thought to myself, I'm happy. I work to eat the best food LA has to offer. I strive to  try all the restaurants in the county. I finish my tasks so that I can have that whole pasta dish for lunch. It felt like all my goals have been food motivated. And while that's not a bad thing (cause why not?), I started to feel slower and slower. After every bread, I feel more tired. After every boba, I feel more broke.

Me and my boba relationship
Good timing, I was about to go home for vacation in a month. While my mom never cares (she's also a fativist), my friends back at home start hitting me up about my figure. They saw a video of me uploaded on Facebook where you can see my whole body, next to my friends, so my size was more visible. Usually, I don't give a sh#t. But that time, I did. 

I remember that day I was freaking out. I was thinking, how can I lose weight in like 3-4 weeks? It's impossible. I wanted to not look fat when I get back home because I thought I would be judged less when they see that I'm not as fat as I was in the video. I even asked my health-conscious co-workers [I normally won't speak to] just to ask what I can do that's quick. Yes, it was that big of a deal to me at that moment. I know...stupid, right?

So I started confiding to my friends of what's going on. It was mildly surprising because usually we would talk about the next KBBQ place or brunch spot to try. Mochi, one of my closests, mentioned that diet is 90% food and 10% exercise. Well, the ratio might be a little different in real life, but we were in an emergency situation so we took it verbatim. Then and there we decided to get into the vegan lifestyle challenge.

Out of pity [and love and support], Mochi joined me in this challenge for 5 weeks. Giving you my back story, you're probably thinking that I died two days later. But guess what, I'm still kicking the next two weeks! I started to feel different inside. It felt like there were sparkles inside my body that's tickling me every time. In a good way. I feel lighter every time I walk. I don't feel as hungry as I used to be. TMI: bowel movement is doing better.  I'm in a such better mood and I feel like I can take on the day. Not literally.

It's been a few weeks and I honestly have not seen changes in my body. Do I regret it? No. Will I continue to do it? Uh, YES. I have never felt more radiant. 

Taken last weekend. There's really not much difference in my size.  But somehow I feel like I look better ;)

So what is really my point in this post? Nothing. I just wanted to share my journey. In no part of this am I encouraging anyone to go vegan. YOU DO YOU, GIRL. I think I just want to say that anything is possible. Even the biggest meat-eater can survive with nothing but kale. (Well... not really. But you know what I mean.)



REWIND to a few years ago:

I WAS VEGAN. It was not my first time getting into this. That's why I was confident enough to decide I will. But after that brief time, I turned into the monster that I was until a few weeks ago. (Disclaimer: I am not saying any non-vegan is a monster, but I was. Just wanted to put it out there.) And here I am again. It's good to be back. I am my best self when I'm vegan.

Just wanted to share my photos from then:

Yep, I did take a lot of unnecessary mirror shots. We were all young once, don't judge. (I'm still young. But I wanted to sound cool and experienced.)

The first vegan cupcakes that I baked:

It does not look appetizing. I get it, okay. Aite, that's all for now. See ya!


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